Dodecahedron 2x2x2

At first glance, you might be tempted to think that the Dodecahedron 2x2x2 is a part of the Megaminx family. However, this puzzle is actually a modified Rubik's Pocket Cube and works in the exact same way. It was invented by Anthony Greenhill in 1998 and the first models of it were simply Rubik's Pocket Cubes with plastic extensions glued to each of their parts. The puzzle is mass produced by LanLan since 2010.

The interesting thing about the Dodecahedron 2x2x2 is its asymmetry along its axes. When you make a 90-degree twist on this puzzle it will shape-shift. Other than this fact, the puzzle is identical to a Rubik's Pocket Cube - it consists of 8 parts with 3 stickers on each, has 3,674,160 different combinations and you can solve it in the same way as you would a Rubik's Pocket Cube. The cause for this puzzle's unique appearance is just a slight change in the shape of each of its pieces (from a small cube on the Rubik's Pocket Cube to an eighth of a dodecahedron).

The Dodecahedron 2x2x2 is not an official WCA puzzle and as such doesn't have any official solving records.  

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